圣诺能源 is leading the charge towards achieving net zero emissions. It is our commitment to protect our environment for generations. To create positive impact for you and everyone around us.
总统 & 首席执行官
We have embraced the Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) framework, to adhere to robust governance standards across our operations.
•行业 & Market Development and Innovation
• Employee Welfare and Talent Management
• Cybersecurity and Customer Data Protection
• 法律与道德
在行业, 经济, 和社会, 我们寻求通过以下方式加速新加坡的低碳转型:
负责就是采取行动. We’ve set these latest initiatives in motion, to deliver positive impact on the environment, 社会, 治理主体.
We take pride in constantly exploring new ways to do what we do. Knowing that every little change we make today will empower our tomorrow.
Here’s a look at what our people have achieved with their can-do vigour.
“可持续发展”是一个很重要的词. So the way we approach it is to think big.
Because sustaining lives is just as important as sustaining our way of life.